Mathematics is often perceived as a dull and tedious subject, but our recent math session with the middle and high school students proved otherwise. Through hands-on activities and thought-provoking discussions, we embarked on a journey of discovery, diving into the fascinating realm of surfaces, spheres, map coloring, and even stumbled upon the captivating Four Color Theorem. This blog aims to recount our exhilarating learning experience and shed light on the significance of mathematical discussions in nurturing a love for math.

Unleashing the Young Mathematicians:
Our inquisitive minds set out to explore various mathematical concepts related to surfaces, areas, and coloring. Tangrams, coloring contiguous surfaces, enclaves, exclaves, map coloring, and sphere contouring were just some of the engaging activities that captivated our young mathematicians. The objective was clear - to find the minimum number of colors required to ensure that no two adjacent surfaces shared the same color.
Chasing the Elusive Minimum Colors:
Initially, the children faced the daunting task of determining the minimum number of colors needed. They proposed numerous guesses ranging from seven to at least six. However, with perseverance, critical thinking, and collaborative effort, they gradually made progress. Through trial and error, they achieved breakthroughs, managing to reduce the minimum number of colors to two, three, and eventually four.

The Surprising Case of Europe's Map:
One child decided to test their newfound knowledge on a map of Europe and initially used five colors to ensure no adjacent regions shared the same color. Upon closer examination, we discovered that the fifth color was used only once, leading us to question whether it could be further reduced. After careful consideration, we successfully minimized the colors to just four. This experience reinforced the importance of attention to detail and efficient problem-solving techniques.

The Sphere Contouring Challenge:
Another child took up the challenge of creating a pattern on a sphere that required more than four colors to meet the requirements. While we were intrigued by their innovative approach, we couldn't help but wonder if there was room for improvement. The child, fueled by their curiosity, expressed their determination to modify the pattern and find a way to achieve the desired outcome using only five colors. We eagerly await their findings, which will undoubtedly add another layer of excitement to our mathematical explorations.

The Four Color Theorem:
During our session, our math enthusiast shared the intriguing Four Color Theorem with the rest of the group. This theorem, proved by a mathematician and a topologist half a century ago, states that any separation of a plane into contiguous regions can be colored using at most four colors, ensuring no two adjacent regions share the same color. This discovery left us in awe of the power of mathematics and the beauty of its theorems. Read more about the theorem here.

The Power of Mathematical Discussions:
Our adventure into surfaces, spheres, and map coloring taught us a valuable lesson about the significance of mathematical discussions. Rather than focusing solely on finding the "right" answer, we realized that listening to each other's logic and reasoning was equally crucial. By stepping back and encouraging thoughtful conversations, we witnessed how children could break free from the constraints of feeling "bad" at math or viewing it as a daunting subject. Mathematical discussions fostered a nurturing environment where ideas were shared, diverse perspectives were valued, and creative problem-solving flourished.
Our recent math session opened our eyes to the captivating world of surfaces, spheres, map coloring, and the remarkable Four Color Theorem. Through hands-on activities and stimulating discussions, we discovered that math is far from boring; it is a realm brimming with wonder and exploration. By embracing mathematical discussions and valuing the thought processes behind solutions, we empower our students to develop a genuine passion for math. As our journey continues, we eagerly anticipate the next chapter, filled with exciting challenges and groundbreaking discoveries.